Charlie Kebdo
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Nation Doesn’t Know If It Can Take Another Bullshit Speech About Healing,37541/
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#redeyetaxi is my new blog
#redeyetaxi is my new blog

WASHINGTON—In the wake of a grand jury’s divisive decision not to charge Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, a weary American populace told reporters Tuesday that they are not sure if they can take another bullshit speech about healing. “If I have to watch some politician, law enforcement official, or pretty much anyone regurgitate the same meaningless platitudes about setting aside our differences and coming together as a nation, I might just lose it,” said Atlanta resident Samantha Hubbard, echoing the sentiment of hundreds of millions of Americans who are uncertain if they can stomach even a single empty call for respect and civility. “I honestly don’t know if I’m physically capable of listening to another community leader recite the same unbearable garbage about how it’s time for an open and honest dialogue. I swear to God, if I hear even one goddamn person assert there’s more that unites us than divides us, I will immediately blow my brains out.” At press time, the nation was particularly apprehensive at the prospect of a bullshit speech that declared words were not enough.
Retarded Ukrainian Freaks On The March
The retarded Ukro-Freaks are holding "Peace Marches“ in #Kiev and #Kharkov – shouting Death to the Enemies
— Marcel Sardo (@marcelsardo) January 18, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Indeed, some people just won´t get it, but we all know that climate change science is settled, beyond discussion-
This is funny, though some people will get priggish about it. Via @LordAshcroft.
— Daniel Hannan (@DanHannanMEP) January 17, 2015
Page last updated at 10:04 GMT, Saturday, 5 December 2009
Himalayan glaciers melting deadline 'a
By Pallava Bagla in Delhi
The UN panel on climate change warning that Himalayan glaciers could melt to a fifth of current levels by 2035 is wildly inaccurate, an academic says.
J Graham Cogley, a professor at Ontario Trent University, says he believes the UN
authors got the date from an earlier report wrong by more than 300 years.
He is astonished they "misread 2350 as 2035". The authors deny the claims.
Friday, January 16, 2015
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