Sunday, January 18, 2015
Nation Doesn’t Know If It Can Take Another Bullshit Speech About Healing,37541/
#redeyetaxi is my new blog
#redeyetaxi is my new blog
#redeyetaxi is my new blog

WASHINGTON—In the wake of a grand jury’s divisive decision not to charge Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, a weary American populace told reporters Tuesday that they are not sure if they can take another bullshit speech about healing. “If I have to watch some politician, law enforcement official, or pretty much anyone regurgitate the same meaningless platitudes about setting aside our differences and coming together as a nation, I might just lose it,” said Atlanta resident Samantha Hubbard, echoing the sentiment of hundreds of millions of Americans who are uncertain if they can stomach even a single empty call for respect and civility. “I honestly don’t know if I’m physically capable of listening to another community leader recite the same unbearable garbage about how it’s time for an open and honest dialogue. I swear to God, if I hear even one goddamn person assert there’s more that unites us than divides us, I will immediately blow my brains out.” At press time, the nation was particularly apprehensive at the prospect of a bullshit speech that declared words were not enough.
Retarded Ukrainian Freaks On The March
The retarded Ukro-Freaks are holding "Peace Marches“ in #Kiev and #Kharkov – shouting Death to the Enemies
— Marcel Sardo (@marcelsardo) January 18, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Indeed, some people just won´t get it, but we all know that climate change science is settled, beyond discussion-
This is funny, though some people will get priggish about it. Via @LordAshcroft.
— Daniel Hannan (@DanHannanMEP) January 17, 2015
Page last updated at 10:04 GMT, Saturday, 5 December 2009
Himalayan glaciers melting deadline 'a
By Pallava Bagla in Delhi
The UN panel on climate change warning that Himalayan glaciers could melt to a fifth of current levels by 2035 is wildly inaccurate, an academic says.
J Graham Cogley, a professor at Ontario Trent University, says he believes the UN
authors got the date from an earlier report wrong by more than 300 years.
He is astonished they "misread 2350 as 2035". The authors deny the claims.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Police Donut Song
I was driving down Amsterdam Avenue this morning at 3:30 in the morning and guess what I saw at the Duncan Donuts at 125th Street? Now, there is I guess no law against cops going to a Duncan Donuts shop but, well, they ought to be more aware of their public image. I mean why do you have to be double parked with one car siren lights on? It's like saying "look at us, we like Duncan Donuts, like the song says."
Uploaded on Mar 4, 2011
Heres a House Of Swine original! Operation Donut Patrol!
Music and lyrics by D. B.
Vocals - G.G. and G.F.
Bass - T.G.
Guitar - D.B.
Drums by ???? Someone!
Lyrics :
Pull over
Put your hands behind your back, gotta go to shipley donuts for the next attack
I got a gun, but I cant run
I gotta big f&%ing waist cause I eat to many honey buns
P.I. Pork Investigator
Refridgerator Raider, and the Donut Terminator
Who needs a car when you can roll on your ass
A couple chocalate donuts and here comes the gas
Today's your lucky day cause Im gonna give you a break
Cause I cant get my mind off that big juicy steak from the golden coral
I got to go now
I got a date with little debbie and the big borden cow
A nice cold coke and three big macs
Its been three years since Ive scratched my back
Protect and serve is my primary job
But what can I do when Im a fat f$%king blob
Here comes the fat enforcer
Here comes the pastry stealer
Here comes the donut eater
Pull over joe, cause its operation donut patrol
Pull over joe, cause its operation donut patrol
Epic pig screams!
Dont be mad cause youve never seen your feet
Cause youve never seen your dick before
Its the fat mother f&$ker in the blue in black
Its operation donut patrol
Repeat PreChorus / Chorus
Hey everyone, look at the pig, look at the pig, hes a big fat pig
Hey everyone, look at the pig, hes gonna eat you now
Hes gonna eat you
Hes gonna eat you
Hes gonna eat you
Repeat Chorus
Cause youve
I go
Music and lyrics by D. B.
Vocals - G.G. and G.F.
Bass - T.G.
Guitar - D.B.
Drums by ???? Someone!
Lyrics :
Pull over
Put your hands behind your back, gotta go to shipley donuts for the next attack
I got a gun, but I cant run
I gotta big f&%ing waist cause I eat to many honey buns
P.I. Pork Investigator
Refridgerator Raider, and the Donut Terminator
Who needs a car when you can roll on your ass
A couple chocalate donuts and here comes the gas
Today's your lucky day cause Im gonna give you a break
Cause I cant get my mind off that big juicy steak from the golden coral
I got to go now
I got a date with little debbie and the big borden cow
A nice cold coke and three big macs
Its been three years since Ive scratched my back
Protect and serve is my primary job
But what can I do when Im a fat f$%king blob
Here comes the fat enforcer
Here comes the pastry stealer
Here comes the donut eater
Pull over joe, cause its operation donut patrol
Pull over joe, cause its operation donut patrol
Epic pig screams!
Dont be mad cause youve never seen your feet
Cause youve never seen your dick before
Its the fat mother f&$ker in the blue in black
Its operation donut patrol
Repeat PreChorus / Chorus
Hey everyone, look at the pig, look at the pig, hes a big fat pig
Hey everyone, look at the pig, hes gonna eat you now
Hes gonna eat you
Hes gonna eat you
Hes gonna eat you
Repeat Chorus
Cause youve
I go
Israel Shamir's wet dream.
I can't help myself here, I've got to say it: Israel Shamir is not only just another variety of Jew, two really - Ex Jew and Anti Jew but at bottom he's just another kind of Zionist, the kind that knows Israel as it is is a lost cause but who demands that the Palestinians, the Arabs and over a billion Muslims as well as other people with eyes, a brain and a heart must accept the invaders as rightful residents and citizens of the country they've been raping.
All this is is an assertion of Jewish exceptionalism and Zionist ideology that holds that Jews have the right to be in Palestine regardless of what the Palestinian people might think of that. Shamir knows that non indigenous occupier nations have been booted out of countries they had never been invited in to by the popular will several times throughout history.
Shamir mocks the idea that the Jews could be forced to leave as a "wet dream."
The wet dream is that this situation is likely to be settled around a conference table with give and take by both sides like a union and a boss who both want to avoid a strike and are ready to yield some points in order to do that. The Gaza massacre, conducted with the overwhelming support of Jewish Israelis points to a hard, tough fight to the bitter end.
I am no supporter of The Islamic State and I don't know if it is really defying its masters and trainers or in some way I cannot figure it is carrying out a USraeli - Gulf Royal agenda. In either case I hope indigenous forces can curb it. Israei Jews though may learn the very hard way that they've been too arrogant, too cocksure of themselves and that they should have sat down with Hamas and signed a truce yielding their stranglehold. Maybe it is not too late for them to see reason. As I say though, "I doubt it."
According to Israel Shamir it's "our task" to make these people accept the baby killers as their compatriots..
“Non, rien n'est pardonne”

Cafcaf magazine responds to Hebdo in the same language, saying that nothing will be forgiven by those who have been oppressed and blood still being spilt.
World Bulletin/News Desk
Turkish satirical magazine Cafcaf, the only publication in Turkey which places emphasis on Islamic values, has hit back to the Charlie Hebdo arrogance with a unique cover.
Cafcaf magazine has responded to Hebdo with an equally moving magazine cover in French – who have massacred human rights in the name of liberal, modern Europe - saying “Non, rien n'est pardonne” translated as “NO, nothing has been forgiven”.
"Arrogance has become a habit of the European culture, who have placed themselves above others in a position where they are free and unquestionable and in turn, have elicited a significant response from the entire world," the magazine said in a statement.
Charlie Hebdo, in their latest publication had put a caricature depicting the Prophet Mohammed shedding a tear and holding up a sign saying “Je suis Charlie”, the message of solidarity with the victims. Above the cartoon are the words, “All is forgiven”.
Cafcaf, in answer to Charlie Hebdo, showed pictures pointing to those who have been oppressed in Afghanistan, Gaza, Chechnya, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and China, with a Palestinian child in the front middle, all whose blood is still being spilt, saying nothing will be forgiven.
A weekly publication, the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo saw a reprint of 3 million magazines. Because of its its financial limitations, Cafcaf can only print once a month. It will only be able to reprint 25,000 in the upcoming issue in February.
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